The quality of our practice on the mat is a reflection of how we approach life. If we can learn to be patient and at peace when facing a challenging pose we will learn to draw on that patience when life triggers the same emotions.
Last week we set the foundation for our practice finding stillness in the body and using our breath as an anchor.
The quality of our breath is an indicator of our emotional state. Have you ever noticed holding your breathe in anticipation, short rapid breathing when scared or anxious, deep belly breathing when we are rested or sleeping.
In yoga we can allow ourselves the space to connect to our breath, to breathe deeper, but how do we then take that practice off our mats and in to our lives to truly benefit.
As we learnt last week yoga is much more than physical practice of stretching the body. It is a practice of awareness. Over time through practice we can become aware of the way we breathe both on and off the mat and use the tools we learn in class to help guide us back to a more balanced state.
Today we will progress our practice learning to move and breathe taking yoga off our mats and in to our lives as we learn to steady our mind and emotions in the midst of turbulence.
As we move through our practice today become fully present with how you feel, notice when you feel challenged and when things flow, give yourself permission to flow between these two states with ease and acceptance.
Lets begin by connecting to our breath, breathing in and out through the nose, slowing down each breath, finding that steady rhythm, anchoring the body anchoring the mind. Inhale 2,3,4 pause